كارگاه‌هاي آموزش دستورنامه رابرت (كادرها)
Mr. Issa Amini, the President of the Iranian Central Bar Association

Third Persian Preface to Tenth Edition of Robert’s Rules of Order

Monday 9 December 2019

After more than a decade endeavor to promote Robert’s Rules of Order in Iran, on Sunday, Mar. 1, 2019, Mr. Issa Amini, the president of the Iranian Central Bar Association signed the third Persian preface to the Tenth Edition of Robert’s Rules of Order and the book printed in one hundred copies in order to gift to the members of the Iranian Bar Associations. Early this year, Mr. Mostafa Moein, the president of the Iranian Medical Council wrote the second preface and the book printed in 50 copies with it and Mr. Moein presents them to his colleagues and would intend to call them to reconstruct their societies according to these rules of order. Also, three years ago, the first Persian preface was confirmed by Mr. Mohammad Otaredian, the president of the Iranian Confederation of Employers’ Associations (ICEA), and the book then printed with it in two hundred copies and is being gifted to the members of ICEA.

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Gifting Robert’s Rules of Order
The Iranian Central Bar Association

Each of the Persian prefaces explains the significance of Robert’s Rules of Order to its particular audiences and guides them how to use the rules of order. For example, Mr. Amini in the first paragraph of his preface says:

If the parliamentary rules and procedures expounded in this book would be seen by other social groups merely as a set of human being experiences that promote effectiveness and efficiency in deliberative assemblies, they would have more and more significant for lawyers, law schools’ professors, and lawmakers.

Mr. Amini continues:

The book analyses and determines the rights of the majority, of the minority, of individual members, of absentees, and of all these together upon a careful balance of the rights of persons within an organization’s or an assembly’s total membership. Because of this reason the rules of parliamentary law found in this book guarantee the justice in the process of the group decision making, and therefor when the members of a society participate in decision makings in this just way, they would find abiding by their own laws as just as justice, and in such societies observing the laws would become a virtue.

The president of the Iranian Central Bar Association has then concluded that the Iranian lawyers have professional and ethical obligation to promote these rules throughout the country.

The story of promotion of professionalism in the profession of law has just begun. You may read its sequels in the future.

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