كارگاه‌هاي آموزش دستورنامه رابرت (كادرها)

Perhaps A Turning Point At Iranian Political Activities

Wednesday 5 August 2020

At the last meeting of the sponsors of establishing a new reformist political party took place recently at the Office of Robert’s Rules of Order’s Workshop (the Office), some decisions were made that show a significant turning point at the Iranian political activities. Of course, the claim would seem unbelievable. The following tries to argue this claim.

At first, must be asked what is the core and main problem in the current political activities in Iran?

One can guess that most would answer the main obstacle is the tyrant regime. And who can dare to disagree with it?

But, as far as the answer is such, the problem also would continue. Therefore, the starting point is to change just the same point of view.

Then, the right question is why the tyrant regime can survive and suppress civil societies?

Of course, there are a lot of historical and valid analyses over the issue explaining correctly why in the society like Iran, tyrant regimes are reproduced. But the main question is, what should be done to end the course and build up democracy?

The point is that in a society like Iran, any tyrant regime could easily organize bands of power to suppress its opponents, but they can not organize themselves.

It is natural if the opponents would claim that the tyrant regime would not allow them to organize themselves. But it is the nature of any tyrannical power! And only whenever the opposition could organize itself democratically and struggle the tyrant power successfully, then the tyranny begins to finish.

It is natural if the opponents would claim that the tyrant regime would not allow them to organize themselves. But it is the nature of any tyrannical power! And only whenever the opposition could organize itself democratically and struggle the tyrant power successfully, then the tyranny begins to finish.

As an example may say, at the last meeting of the sponsors of establishing a new reformist political party mentioned before, during the discussion over the name of the temporary organization for establishing the new party, one of the participants suggested an interesting name: the party based upon Robert’s Rules of Order! He then continued to explain that our party is the first Iranian political party which is establishing upon these rules and it is the most significant characteristic of our party. The more important point was that the motion adopted unanimously.

Another indicating evidence is the approval of the Persian translation of Robert’s Rules of Order as the new party’s parliamentary authority.

You know, whenever an organization approves Robert’s Rules of Order as its parliamentary authority, it means that all its members must hold all rules of order whenever they are applicable and are not inconsistent with its rules.

Those who are familiar with the situation in the Iranian meetings and also know Robert’s Rules of Order, yet their number is very few, can grasp the significance of the issue.

As further evidence indicating the Iranian civil society is entering the new historic era is the approval of another interesting motion: increasing the members of sponsors to 30 individuals.

Yes, these banal details are not important at all. But you must consider that Iranians normally prefer smaller assemblies because every meeting with more than a few numbers usually goes in tension. Therefore, agreeing to increase the numbers of an assembly to 30 individuals shows, for the first time, their confidence that they can manage their meeting smoothly according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

Robert’s Rules of Order indeed is a comprehensive and complete package of solutions for all difficulties any assembly would face. And because of just thing, one of the sponsors suggested that the Persian translation of the book is reproduced and gifted to all members.

Fortunately, the evidence of the civilizational mutation in Iran is invisible. But those who are making this revolution feel all of them.

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