كارگاه‌هاي آموزش دستورنامه رابرت (كادرها)

Fourth Persian Preface to Robert’s Rules of Order Tenth Edition

Wednesday 25 December 2019

The sponsors of the Main Society in their tenth meeting took place on Tuesday 17 Dec. 2019, in the Cadres’ Office in Tehran, approved their own specific preface to the Persian translation of Robert’s Rules of Order Tenth Edition, after a lot of discussions about its contents.

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Tenth meeting of the sponsors of the Main Society

Already three Persian prefaces had been composed for this purpose: the first was written 3 years ago by Mr. Otaredian, the president of the Iranian Confederation of Employers’ Associations (ICEA) and the book gifts to the professional members of ICEA. Mr. Mostafa Moeein, the president of the Iranian Medical Council write the second one earlier this year (2019) and Persian Robert’s Rules of Order with it gifts to the professional members of medical and scientific societies. And Mr. Issa Amini, the president of the Iranian Central Bar Association also wrote recently the third preface and the book with it presents to professional members of the ICBA. Each of these prefaces describes the significance of the book for their specific audiences. But the audiences of the fourth edition would be more general and the objectives of the Main Society are also different.

The primary purpose of the society is to provide national professional social activists with the opportunity to learn how to establish or re-establish their own societies according to Robert’s Rules of Order so far have been experienced in Iran recently.

These experiences have proved that the best way to learn the common parliamentary law in a country like Iran whose people don’t know anything about it is to establish a new society according to Robert’s Rules of Order. And it is really very difficult, because the structure also has learnt these rules of order by himself without any help of any professional parliamentarian.

According to the first Iranian instructor of Robert’s Rules of Order, building up a civilized and modern“society”would be possible only when it based upon the law, that is, the common parliamentary law. Because of this, the proposed title for the forth preface to the Persian translation of Robert’s Rules of Order is this: Building up the society; either the end and the means! Because when the people involve

Anyway, fourth Persian preamble begins so:

It goes on. . .

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